Dog saves newborn

Here is a story that needs sharing. This dog “retrieved” a newborn that have been “thrown away” and took it back to the rest of her puppies. This is a dog that personifies the  relationship between people and dogs that has been developing for hundreds of thousands of years.

History Majors: Remember Romulus and Remus.. The two twin brothers that were nutured by a she-wolf and went on to settle the village that later became Rome.


Buenos Aires – A female dog found an abandoned newborn baby girl early Thursday and took the child home with her puppies in a poor suburb of the Argentine city of La Plata, local media reported citing police sources.

The owner of the dog reportedly noticed the baby hours later, when he heard her cry. The man immediately called the police, and the newborn was taken to a hospital in La Plata.

The dog, called China, reportedly found the baby in a barren lot in the neighbourhood of Abasto. Guided by her instinct, she took the girl with her puppies and kept her warm in the Argentine winter.

The baby, weighing some four kilogrammes, was naked and showed some bruising, said authorities at the Melchor Romero hospital, where the girl was brought before being transferred to the Children’s Hospital. Doctors said she had been born only a few hours earlier.

Thursday morning, after the case was made public, a 14-year-old girl arrived at the hospital accompanied by a neighbour and said she was the baby’s mother. Medical authorities said she admitted to having abandoned the baby.
The teenager reportedly said she gave birth late Wednesday, alone and in a very precarious setting, and then decided not to keep her baby.

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Heart Worms in Dogs

I ran across this excellent article on heartworms that I want to share with you. I have always thought that the vets and the drug companies were “hype-ing” up the concern into this condition.

I have never given any of my English Shepherd’s heartworm meds and I have never had an English Shepherd have a case of heartworms. That covers the period from 1970 to 2008. One of the reasons that I haven’t “treated for heartworms” is because English Shepherds are in the Collie group and it has been known for a long time that they can be extremely sensitive to Ivermectin .

Within the past year of so we have learned that this sensitivity is related to a gene mutation – MDR-1 and there is now a test to determine if a dog has that mutation. I addressed this information in a previous post.

The attitude of the vet community smacked me in the face when I took our beloved Tessa into our local vet fearing that she was developing breast cancer. She was 9 years old.

They confirmed my suspicions and advised that surgery might be appropriate. We agreed to have her spayed and one side of her mammery glands removed. Then they delivered the blow.

“Has Tessa been on heartworm meds?” “No, I replied.” With a shocked look on his face, he declared that she probably had heartworms and she would not be a candidate for surgery.

I told him she had no symptoms of heartworms. He looked at me like I had 3 heads. I felt like I was supposed to show him my forehead so that he could see my “STUPID” tatoo.

“Let’s test her,” I suggested. He agreed. He drew the blood and disappeared. Guess What!!!

She was NEGATIVE. They did the surgery. About a year later they did another surgery to remove the rest of her teats..

She lived a long, full life to the age of 15.

Please know that I am NOT AGAINST heartworm medications. I stand 4 Square on the side of knowledge over ignorance. I don’t believe that we should over-treat or over- medicate our Dogs, our Children or our Selves.

It may be the wonderful coat that helps provide English Shepherds with a measure of protection from the mosquito bites that carry heartworms. But I must also add that I have never had a case of heartworms in my beagles either.

However, my beagles are on a different management routine than my shepherds in that they occasionally do get a dose of ivermectin. It was interesting to me that the article on heartworms indicated that a dose of ivermectin twice a year (spring and fall) would protect a dog. If this is true why are the vets and the drug companies recommending a dose every month – Isn’t this a case of overkill? Overkill that is costing us money!

The argument is given that heartworm medicationse do not prevent the dog from contracting the larvae of the heartworm – it just kills them so that they don’t have the opportunity to grow into the adult stage which lives in the heart. So if you kill any migrating larvae every six month, your dog should never develop heartworms.


To this end, I encourage you to read “The Billion Dollar Heart Worm Scam“. Then make your own decision about the treatment of your dogs.

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In Memory of the great English Shepherd “BO”

We received this email from an old friend. It is a wonderful tribute to her English Shepherd and a life lesson that he taught her. Bo was pup of Tessa – one of the greatest English Shepherd’s we have ever had the priviledge of knowing.. Our Stud Dog, Ringo, is a a grandson of this amazing dog.

I think of you often, but even more so lately. I am sad to tell you that Bo, my English Shepard and the most wonderful gift anyone ever gave to me, has died. Turns out what I thought was arthritis in his leg was actually osteosarcoma…it spread to his lungs before I realized this.

We took his leg off 6 weeks ago. He recovered and did ok for few weeks, and I never went anywhere except work without him. Last weekend he died while with me in Little Rock at my brother’s. I can’t tell you how devastated I am. He was my sidekick and companion.

I’ve had lots of dogs in my life; only one other that was anything near as important to me as Bo. I’ll never forget him coming out from under your barn, and following me everywhere….and you saying “looks like you have a new dog”. I had no intentions of getting another dog at that time, but you said “he’s picked you”.

You were right. Bo did pick me and never gave up his job of taking care of me. A wonderful dog, and I am missing him something awful. I just wanted to thank you for giving me Bo.

One of these days, I want to come see you and if one of your pups picks me…I will bring him home. I think that is the key; too many times I and others go looking for a dog and pick one they like; what we really should do is wait until one picks us. Then we will have a loyal companion that will do anything it takes to protect and please us. Bo did.

Thank you again, my friends. Kim

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Thank Goodness for Dogs

Sitting in the cutting pen on my horse waiting for the next horse to work, I began to think about all the great horses I have had the opportunity to ride and the lessons that they taught. I could write a book about the things I learned from horses.

Then I began to think about the joy and comfort that dogs have brought to my life. Dogs that showed me the meaning of “Never Quit. Never Give Up” . “Be True to Yourself” “I Will Die for You”

On the other hand, at 61 years of age, I have known a lot of people . The life lessons that most of humanity has shared with me is that human life is all about SEX, MONEY and POWER.

Thank goodness for animals in our life who still can be measured by their Willingness to Please, their Courage, their Commitment to their human partners. I hope that I can be smart enough to take time to listen to them..

and to step back and remember… when a person’s word was his honor.. and Honor was an important measure of a person’s character. A Time when Greed was a bad thing – not an acceptable business practice…. a time when the world was a kinder, gentler place.

Thank goodness for Dogs in whom we can find solace – if we will only take the time.

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Dogs have remarkable eyes

They can see in both dim and bright light. This is an interesting article on why. I often use my dogs as “seeing eye” dogs when I am out on the farm after dark.
What a wonderful gift we have in dogs.
clipped from

November 9, 2007 — Dogs see a lot better than humans do at night. Dogs have many adaptations for low-light vision. A larger pupil lets in more light. The center of the retina has more of the light-sensitive cells … >?full story
blog it
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Datoka aka Cody’s Puppyhood

Dakota was the only boy in the litter. He was one of the biggest pups yet kind and soft!

Here are updates on his life in Tenn with Karen and Joe


5-13-08:   Dakota arrived last night around 9 in Cookeville and got home about 9:45.  He has cried some missing you and all the animal friends in Arkansas.  However, we think he is doing great.  He has been to town with Joe and up on the farm visiting with the cows and riding in the farm truck. It was love at first sight for us!  He is great.  Playing and doing well. Our 3 year old grandson came to visit and play tonight and they got along great.  We got him an igloo dog house and he goes right in and looks out when he hears us.  We are so happy to have him.  I think he will be a great retirement buddy for Joe.  He seems very smart.  Thanks for everything and we will let you know how he is doing.  Joe and Karen

5-26-08: This is a Dakota update.  He is doing great and everyone is in love with him.  Our daughter-in-law helped give him a bath Friday night and the kids play with him.  He is a sweetheart.  He has already grown so we must be feeding him well.  The kids bring him treats, which of course, he loves.  He loves to jump in the high weeds or hay field and bring out “stick-tights” in his fur.  He jumps in it like he is jumping in water and rolls around.  We love him very much and thank you for getting him to us.  Hope all his sisters are well. 

McCalls English Shepherd

6/22/08:  Dakota is doing great and very happy. We love him! He is perfect. He had grown to about 18 pounds at his first vet visit and when he goes back on July 2, we think he will be well over 20. He plays and loves to run. He plays keep away with me chasing him and we go for walks. He loves to play with our grand-dogs, too.

6/24/08: I am working and spend much of my time when I get home playing with Dakota.  He is wonderful.   He is very active and plays.  He is great getting a bath.  At his first vet visit, he had gained about 6 lbs from when you took him right before he left.  His next appt is on July 2 and I am sure he will be well over 20 lbs.  His hair is growing and changing.  He has long white hairs in the black!  He plays with the grandchildren and their dog.    We love him a lot and are very grateful we found you.




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Lisabeth Puppyhood Update

(Lisabeth is in CA with the Osselaer family. Here is her 4 month old update.)

McCalls English Shepherd

McCalls English Shepherd

Lisabeth is a sweetie, a cuddler and very smart. She was fairly easy to house train and had only a few accidents the first week or two but now has found her place. She loves to grab clothes from the laundry basket and sleep on them. Her and my son are best buddies they love to play together and play leap frog. She has made friends with our neighbors dogs and loves to watch all the kids playing on in the neighborhood. She helps me with the yard work by pulling the weeds and picking up the leaves in her mouth. She loves to be outside day or night and watch everything going on and listen to all the sounds. She is really good at not wondering too far and listen well when we call her to come. She has learned to sit, stay, come and working on the jumping up and chewing on people. We love her and she has found a place in our home and family very quickly.

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Griffin Update

(Griffin is from Gabby’s 2006 litter.  His puppy name was Snow.  He had unusual white marking as a pup.  He made a beautiful dog.  Griffin lives in Austin with Linda.) 

McCalls English Shepherd

Update:   My little Griffin turned two this week, as you probably remember.  See how beautiful he is!  This is a picture with my neighbor and her dachsund that spends every day with Griffin.  So they work and play everyday and have each other as company.
 I am so proud to have this dog.  He is a very happy dog.  He has alot of neighborhood friends.  This is a really dog friendly neighborhood.   We go to the park twice a day, a few  blocks from my house.  Today a neighbor asked me to help her socialize her new puppy with Griffin.  He is known as a very sweet, playful, smart and funny dog.  We have a golden retriever, Bailey, one house away.  Her owner loves to go to the park with us because Griffin does these “run bys” with her dog.  It is so funny.  Just as they are about to catch the ball he will run by and almost bump them so they miss the ball.  So far the other dogs are tolerant.  Anyway Griffin is a much beloved dog by me and my neighbors.

I can’t tell you how much  I love this dog.  He is a great dog.  Everyone stops me on the street to comment on how beautiful he is.   I feel so lucky that I found you and as a result I have a wonderful dog.  

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The top 3 most aggressive dog breeds

This might surprise you.. would you believe the dachshund, chihuahua and the Jack Russell Terrier

Attention, America, or at least all you state and local politicians who are banning or considering banning ownership of pit bulls, Rottweilers and other big, scary dogs: In the midst of your rush to pass breed specific legislation, a new study has shown that the most aggressive dog breed in the world is …

 Yes, the dachshund, the weiner dog, better known in some countries as the sausage dog.

Read more of this interesting article hereIt might change how you think about dogs!  

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French Heartworm in Dogs

This is a new one on me! A French Heartworm which has made it to the UK has now appeared in Scotland. Will we be next?

Parasite migration signals climate change from

A parasite that thrives on warm conditions has been discovered in Scotland for the first time, supporting theories of climate change.


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