Cancer and Dogs

The Morris Animal Foundation wants to raise $30 Million to continue funding cancer research in dogs.  Their goal is to raise this money in 5 years. 

There are approximately 71 million dogs in the United States.  If everyone gave at least $1.00 in the name of their dog to help fund cancer research in dogs, we could make a tremendous impact on the  current projects.  In addition to saving our beloved dogs, much of this research impacts the race for the cancer cure for people.

The amazing statistic is that 1 in 4 of our dogs will die or suffer from cancer.  Warning signs of cancer in dogs include

Abnormal swellings that persist or continue to grow

Sores that do not heal 

 Weight loss

Loss of appetite

Bleeding or discharge from any body opening

Offensive odor

Difficulty eating or swallowing

Hesitance to exercise or loss of stamina

Persistent lameness or stiffness

And just like people, a dog can appear to be absolutely fine, only to be diagnosed with cancer.  To learn more about this project, visit

 There is also a link at this site for a free consultation for owners of dogs diagnosed with cancer.

Change the world! Make a donation today in the name of your beloved dog!  We did in HONOR of our amazing, incredible English Shepherd “Tessa”  and our brave little beagle, Birdy, both of whom suffered from breast cancer. 

    Donate on-line at: 

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