Jake’s puppies


Several months ago, I received this great handwritten letter in the mail:

Hi, my name is Jake.  My dad’s name is Pete.  I turned nine in June.  I think I’m old enough to have a puppy and take good care of the dog.  I would like to have a girl pocket beagle.  My dad is building a fence around the back year so we can play.  You can send me and my dad any information at his email address.  If you have any puppy pictures I love to see them.

Thank you. Jake

Enclosed with the letter was a deposit for a beagle that was due to be born in about 30 days.

The puppies were born and I sent Jake pictures and updates on the pups.  He chose the one he wanted.

Nine weeks later, the pup was sent on a road trip to its new family and Jake.  I didn’t hear a word!

Then about a week later I received this pic and email:

Dear Mrs. McCall, The puppies came a few days ago. It was the best day in my entire life when I saw the two puppies. I thought I was only getting one.  I had named one KC before they got here from the pictures you sent. They were a little scared at first but now we are good friends. They are so soft and cuddly and they love licking me. They sleep in my room, but in a crate, until they get older. I am so glad you sent me two
puppies. I will take great care of them.

Thank you so so so so so so so so so so so much,


KC, Bella, and Jake

This is greatest reward in breeding dogs. I get to meet some of the best people in world.  And Jake, here, is right on track to be one of the great people of the future.  Right now, he is one of the great kids!


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