Dog is God Spelled Backwards

I just had to share this email.  I wanted to write this letter so many times myself.

There is a God in the Post Office
This is one of the kindest things I’ve ever experienced. I have no way to know who sent it, but there is a beautiful soul working in the dead letter office of the US postal service.

Our 14 year old dog, Abbey, died last month. The day after she died, my 4 year old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about ho  much she missed Abbey. She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her. I told her that I thought we could, so she  dictated  these words:

Dear God,

Will you please take care of my dog? She died yesterday and is with you in heaven. I miss her very much. I am happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick.

I hope you will play with her. She likes to play with balls and to swim. I am sending a picture of her so when you see her you will know that she is my dog. I really miss her.

Love, Meredith.

We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey and Meredith and addressed it to God/Heaven. We put our return address on it. Then Meredith pasted several stamps on the front of the envelope because she said it would take lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to heaven. That afternoon she dropped it into the letter box at the post office. A few days later, she asked if God had gotten the letter yet. I told her that I thought He had.

Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed, ‘To Meredith , in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith opened it. Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers called, ‘When a Pet Dies.’  Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God in its opened envelope. On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey & Meredith and this note:

Dear Meredith,
Abbey arrived safely in heaven.  Having the picture was a big help. I r ecogni zed Abbey right away.

Abbey isn’t sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your dog. Since we don’t need our bodies in heaven, I don’t have any pockets to keep your picture in, so I am sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by.

Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it and sending it to me. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you.

I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much.

By the way, I’m easy to find; I am wherever there is love.


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9 Responses to Dog is God Spelled Backwards

  1. Terry Arnold says:

    My dog Toby is dieng, I have been Lying with him to comfort him and as i was talking to him, and I found God through him, the love him and i have for one another comes from God, Your letter is so so true, God is Love, and that is the only way you will ever come to believe in God, you can’t believe without Love, Thank you so much for posting this letter.

    • Lynda says:

      My prayers are with you and your beloved dog, Toby. You are blessed to have such a relationship with a dog. I know Toby will always be with you. And I know that is another dog waiting to help comfort you and fill your life again with joy. Peace.. Lynda

  2. Terry Arnold says:

    Thank you ever so much Lynda, Toby is still hanging in there, he has a very strong soul, and so long that he is not in any pain, I will look and care for him for eternity, I still have two other dogs in my life Sammy he is 13yrs old springer spaniel, and Buddy he is 9yrs old pitt bull bull mastif, oh and Toby he is a rotwieler collie, again Thank you for your prayers God Bless you

    Terry Arnold

  3. Terry Arnold says:

    Toby had passed away today Friday July 31st, I was with him in my arms when he took his last breath, it was so hard to be in that situation, but he is now in his piece, I will always have Toby in my heart and thoughts, Toby was a very good dog he had never been agressive, he was always a very loving and happy dog, I miss him so much, It is amazing how attached you can become to these animals, I was more attached to him than some people I know, may God be with him.

  4. Lynda says:


    Dogs bring us peace and connect with us spiritually Their passing is a major loss in our lifes. I still miss my dogs that have passed. They were such a huge part of my life. I understand your grief.

  5. Terry Arnold says:

    Thank you so much Lynda for your time and understanding, not all people understand, infact i had someone the other day say to me it’s just a dog why don’t you get another one, well Lynda i can’t tell you what i felt like doing to this person, but it was abviose that they certainly didn’t understand the bond between my dog and I,
    again thank you and God Bless you.

  6. Theresa says:

    My husband had just bought me a new tree/shrub trimmer at noon, as our daughter used to do this task very well for us. I wanted to try it out immediately. I didn’t want Kim the dog out of the house, but she was barking non-stop. Normally she doesn’t do this, and so I wanted to show her who’s the boss.
    I was getting annoyed with her. As I was trying to gesture and tell her to ‘stop barking’ and the trimmer cut right across the electrical cord, ending my ‘good deed for the day’ in less than two minutes.
    I now get the joke why people say, “Dog is God spelt backwards.” She won.

  7. Lynda says:

    You know, it is possible that your dog was barking to tell you to beware of that loud new machine. She was worried about you and the barking was her way of trying to communicate her apprehension to you. I have had a similar experience many times. If I maintain a calm attitude and let the dog explore the machine in a “calm” state.. it seems to calm dog. I can’t tell you how many times a dog has tried to save my life and a couple of times my life actually was in danger.

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